Discover How 10Fold Transforms Managers in Exceptional Leaders: Part Two

In my previous blog, we explored the challenges managers encounter in other agencies. Today, I’ll discuss how 10Fold actively involves managers in business decisions, supports their growth and learning, and maintains transparency of their contributions to our agency’s overall success.

How 10Fold Addresses These Challenges:

Active Involvement in Business Decisions
At 10Fold, managers play a vital role in key business decisions, including staff training and implementing new methods and processes to do things more efficiently. We host monthly management meetings to tackle team challenges, refine processes, drive growth, and brainstorm agency challenges. Each manager is invited to provide their insight, site additional challenges the forsee, and rate the meeting so we can constantly iterate and improve the process.

Structured Mentorship and Training
10Fold provides a comprehensive array of training programs, including analyst training, industry-specific training, and management training. This includes skills such as allocating resources on accounts, tracking profitability, and using MetricsMatter 4.0, which helps track client success with a centralized dashboard synced to other apps via APIs in an online dashboard for clients to view 24/7. The training opportunities are not limited to material individuals at 10Fold have created, we source content from 3rd parties, and offer valuable career enhancing certifications for our team in CRM marketing, Crisis PR and analyst relations.  Also, weekly one-on-one meetings for everyone with their manager ensure that there is consistent communication about goals, current workload and continuous support for career growth. These meetings focus on what each person needs to do to reach their goals and how their manager can help them achieve their goals.

Clear Growth Opportunities
Each team member is be provided with quarterly goals crafted to propel their career forward, aligning closely with their current role and future aspirations. Weekly meetings with their manager ensures ongoing progress discussions and identifies the necessary support for advancement is in place. At 10Fold, we conduct semi-annual reviews incorporating peer and client feedback, and upon achieving goals, a team member is promoted based solely on merit, not tenure.

Direct Management Responsibilities
As a manager at 10Fold, you oversee people and are responsible for supporting their growth and development. Beyond the 1 to 1 meetings, covered earlier, you lead their reviews, recommend promotions, allocate team resources across accounts, and ensure they are engaged in their role and have the proper support, ensuring optimal workload balance. Sometimes managers mentor staff that they do not directly manage, providing guidance for career development and support for navigating the 10Fold system.

Transparency and Insight
We’ve found that the best way to build team trust is through business transparency. Quarterly updates on revenue, goals, and hiring keep everyone informed about the health of our business. You’ll also gain insights into each specialized domain group goals, achievements, and your role in our collective success. This approach has fostered a sense of involvement and clarity, empowering every team member to contribute effectively to our company’s growth and success. We offer annual bonuses based on our ability to achieve goals and we’ve issued those bonuses for the last five years!

The 10Fold team is committed to addressing the challenges faced by managers in other agencies by fostering active involvement in the finer details that matter in building an organization that prioritizes people, rewards service excellence and supports career growth and learning.

By empowering our managers with the tools, support, and knowledge they need, we create a workplace where every team member can thrive, contribute meaningfully, and drive our collective success forward. Join us at 10Fold and unlock your full potential as a leader in the PR industry!

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