Workers rely on uninterrupted wireless connectivity to do their jobs. We help you tell their story – and yours.
10Fold speaks your language – from shared spectrum to wireless mesh canopies – and we have a deeply sophisticated skill set to support and elevate your message.
We are tethered to our mobile devices 24×7 and expect instant access to every app and every piece of data whenever, wherever. Behind the scenes is a complex maze of wireless protocols, telecommunications infrastructure, programmable chips and so much more that make our mobile moments memorable and accelerate the speed of business around the world. Our clients in sectors like smart cities, autonomous cars, and the mobile-app powered gig economy rely on us to help translate their story to their customers.
Why 10Fold?
Spend your time (and your media dollars) getting immediate ROI for your brand – not explaining your technology to a media generalist. This rapid ROI proves that 10Fold’s expertise allows us to jump in and get our hands dirty, right from the beginning.

Silver Spring Networks challenged 10Fold to transform the company’s legacy image as a smart grid company to a forward-looking IoT visionary poised to fuel the development of smart cities around the world. 10Fold began by identifying Silver Spring’s key differentiator: a standards-based IoT network designed for simple integration with existing and future technologies. Through an integrated PR, AR and social media program, 10Fold transformed Silver Spring’s brand delivering eight business press stories, a CEO speaking slot at Fortune BrainstormTECH, and more than 12,000 new social media followers – in less than a year. And shortly thereafter, Itron (NASDAQ: ITRON) acquired Silver Spring and asked 10Fold to take over as Itron’s new global agency of record.
Barefoot Networks
With a renowned co-founder who had sold his previous company for $1.2 billion to VMware, Barefoot Networks had sky-high expectations for its launch. 10Fold devised a plan to guarantee a major feature profile in a top-tier business press publication, while not compromising the opportunity for a large quantity of additional launch coverage in leading IT and venture funding outlets. Our strategy was to offer The Wall Street Journal exclusive access to the company’s VCs and advisors, and in-person meeting with Barefoot chief scientist and co-founder Nick McKeown. We also developed a secondary strategy to intrigue Wired to write its own comprehensive feature. Read more to learn how we delivered this “1-2 punch” as Barefoot Networks became an overnight sensation.