10Fold Security Never Sleeps – Financial Malware, TalkTalk Breach

When it comes to cybersecurity, companies need force fields, not walls

“Dire threats seem almost imperceptible”

The public often views recent headlines like the DNC or HBO data breaches and don’t work up too much anxiety over their own personal information security or insidious malware programs lurking online. However, these occurences are growing increasingly common, and nearly everyone’s sensitive information could be at risk.

TalkTalk fined £100,000 for long-forgotten 2014 data breach

“Reputation has been revived as well as legal fees”

The TalkTalk data breach of 2014 has long since faded from public view, but the associated government proceedings certainly have not. The incident saw hackers accessing the personal details of over 150,000 customers, earning the firm over £400,000 in relevant fines.

‘Hack the Air Force’ challenge most successful military bug bounty yet

“Over 200 public facing bugs found”

 The Air Force has continued its “Hack the Air Force” program which crowdsources cybersecurity testing on its public systems. This uncovered 207 patchable security flaws in about one month that could be exploited y hackers and malware, prompting Marten Mickos, chief contractor of HackerOne, to comment “It was the most successful [Department of Defense] bug bounty so far.”

Uptick in Malware Targets the Banking Community

“Incredible amount of money stolen in recent months”

New and even relatively archaic tactics have allowed cybercriminals to make off with vast sums of cash from many financial institutions of late, with both traditional banks and cryptocurrency funds being looted. Banking and financial malware has been a growing concern among researchers, and recent trends do not ease those fears.

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