10Fold is conducting a nationwide survey with B2B marketing executives on the topic of 2021 marketing strategies, budgets and KPIs. COVID-19 had a significant impact on B2B technology marketing and 10Fold is in the process of updating the data we collected last summer. This survey will touch on effective strategies during the pandemic, changes B2B marketing executives are making with their budgets and the programs they have prioritized for 2021.
If you have not taken the survey yet, please do!
We are hosting a happy hour on March 25 for CMOs to get a sneak peek of the survey results before they are public. We’ve scheduled two happy hours to accommodate those in east and west coast time zones (and you are welcome at either).
10Fold happy hours are a great place to network with peers, learn and share innovative ideas. To reserve your spot at the happy hour, reach out here or fill out one of the forms below.