CMO Happy Hour – How to Engage Business Press 

man pointing to plot chart

Nearly every marketing leader has a strong preference for business press coverage based on its’ ability to generate visibility at the C-level and support company growth goals. Unfortunately, the pandemic has made the process of finding and getting those reporters’ attention tougher than ever before. In our next happy hour, we will host a discussion about this challenge and provide ideas on how to ensure business press will engage with, and cover your company.  Join a dozen other marketing executives in our network and share your best practices.

Event Date, Time and Location
When: Thursday, October 22, 2020
Time: 4:00pm

These are intimate events where 10Fold’s experts will provide an upscale meal and expertise for select VPs and CMOs. Marketing leaders are encouraged to share expertise and take a deep dive into the latest content trends that matter most, so make sure to register below while seats are still available!

Engaging Business Press Happy Hour
