In the Fold – Kathleen See

What is something you have learned this past year at 10Fold that has aided your success?

This past year has been a whirlwind – not only for our clients and agency but for me personally, as I welcomed a baby girl into the Fold! This past year, more than any of my six (!) previous years, has shown me how smart and capable our team is. As I was prepping for maternity leave and having to hand off projects, I knew our clients were going to be in amazing hands and would be well taken care of during my leave.

What do you hope to learn in the next year?

In this new chapter of my life, I’m looking to learn how I can up-level my teams even more, so I can focus my time on the big problems our clients face. Don’t get me wrong, I love doing block and tackle PR for my clients and getting in the weeds with them. However, I’ve learned (the hard way) that I need to focus my energy and talents on these bigger challenges for our clients and get out of my teams way and let them do what they do best – executing for our clients!

What was your favorite team activity in the last year?

We recently had an offsite in Austin and it was so great to see everyone and have them meet the newest Folder!

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