If you’re looking to test your corporate pitch with the business media, look no further than 10Fold’s Media Shark Tank. Now in its ninth year, the event gives tech CEOs the opportunity to meet face-to-face with two panels of judges – in the privacy of a hotel suite – and receive a constructive critique from each judge. Shark Tank provides a total media immersion where you get real-time feedback on your pitch and learn how to win the hearts of top-tier business and broadcast press – all in a matter of 30 minutes.
But who are these judges, and how do you know what drives their interest? It’s time to go behind the scenes and meet Harry McCracken of Fast Company, who will join the prestigious panel of judges at our October 24 event in San Francisco.
Harry is on my list of top business/technology reporters. He doesn’t just understand technology and its business implications, he dives deep into virtually everything he does. And he’s an astute observer of how the technologies he covers take hold in the markets they serve and how they will impact everyday lives.
In 2008, he left PC World to launch Technologizer, which quickly became one of the industry’s most popular technology blogs.
Look deeper and you’ll find that Harry is a historian of sorts and can speak with authority on topics such as autonomous vehicles – back to the very seminal idea that brought them to life. With his keen sense of the evolution of technologies, you can be sure he’s also looking at technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning with intuition into how they’re evolving.
In virtually all of Harry’s work, you can see that he is a fan of the comprehensive and sometimes lengthy feature, such as this feature on Dropbox, where one thing comes clear quickly: his research and preparation are impeccable. It’s no wonder that he has won one of the publishing industry’s most prestigious editorial honors, the Jesse H. Neal award.
So, if you want to pitch Harry, what do you need to know? Here’s his recipe, and it’s simple and straightforward:
“My single most important tip has never changed: The better a company understands the kinds of stories that a publication covers, the better it can focus a pitch in a way that’s efficient and doesn’t waste anyone’s time. Beyond that, I appreciate pitches that get right to the point. I don’t need much in the way of context – it’s my job to know about the categories I cover. And if I have questions, I will ask them. Basically, a good pitch consists of high-quality raw ingredients, not a fully prepared meal.”
As for an icebreaker with Harry at Media Shark Tank, here’s one to consider! “Why do you call Fotomat one ‘of only two great retail empires?’”
If you’re intrigued, visit our Media Shark Tank landing page, where you can view a profile of Harry McCracken, as well as other top journalists who will be joining us at 10Fold Media Shark Tank 2019.
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