F is for Fascination……

Let’s face it: in the past decade, company culture has moved from a “nice to have” to extremely important for companies that are competing for top talent (which is almost any company in the tech sector). This is doubly important in geographies where the jobs are plentiful, and the talent is scarce. Just a quick Google search reveals dozens of “how to” and “what to look for” company culture articles written just last year.

Here are some basic facts:

  1. Everyone wants to work for a company that has a “good” culture
  2. The definition of “good” varies widely
  3. There can be big gaps between the way management describes the culture, and what the culture is really like

The 10Fold culture is defined by our core values: Teamwork, Accountability, Fun and Integrity, or TAFI (spelled the unconventional way). Over the years, we have used these values to make decisions about our business (who to promote, where to spend money, and many other questions businesses ponder).  We include these in our handbook, and we have a jar of taffy with our values printed on it in every office. We have TAFI as our theme for our Friday huddle. We embrace our culture.

But now the time has come to embrace changes in our culture, and we’ve decided to change the F from fun – which we can all agree that the majority of PR people are – to FASCINATED. We wanted our core values to grow with us and recognize that while we are very fun, we needed to make more of a statement about the type of person that will thrive at 10Fold.

Our teammates are beyond fun; they are fascinated. Meaning, they are really curious about technology, our clients, how they got to where they are, where they are going, why they will be successful, and how they stand out against the competition. But being fascinated doesn’t stop with curiosity about our clients and their technology. 10Folders tend to be inquisitive, life-long learners, hungry for knowledge and what’s next.

As an organization, 10Fold’s culture supports that fascination with external training – and not just your average brown bag where a fellow teammate flies through a PowerPoint and entertains you during lunch. We’re talking about bringing in paid experts from the outside to train on complex technology domains, practical PR, social media and analyst skills – and even springing for courses that offer certifications.  And our team LOVES it!

At 10Fold, core values do mean something, and we couldn’t be prouder to add fascination to the list! And we also don’t mind being called fascinating from time to time. 😉

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