The theme of this year’s annual RSA Conference is the “the Human Element,” honoring all the security professionals on the front lines protecting enterprise and consumer data, and making the tough decisions around privacy, usability and responsibility. From the worsening talent shortage to the proliferation of AI-enabled security tools and strategies, this theme is incredibly timely.
The Talent Shortage
According to (ISC)2, the global cybersecurity workforce needs to grow by 145 percent to meet the demand for skilled cybersecurity talent. In the U.S. it needs to grow by 62 percent. CNBC’s Kate Rogers delved into the reasoning behind the shortage, noting that the labor market has evolved with many workers opting to be contractors versus full time employees.
Yet, as the labor market evolves, so too does the threat landscape. At RSA Conference this year, security leaders will discuss the best ways to find and keep security talent as well as the ways in which enterprises can aid in encouraging students and young talent to pursue careers in cybersecurity.
RELATED: Heading to RSA 2020? Check out the Security Never Sleeps Luncheon
The AI Impact
Both Anne Taylor for CIO and Scott Matteson at TechRepublic have delved into the ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can help prevent cybersecurity breaches. Chief among them is AI/ML’s ability to automatically learn and identify new threats. The automation of this and other processes that were once manual can relieve some of the burden on security teams.
While AI is certainly changing the cybersecurity landscape, it is not a silver bullet for the industry’s challenges. Humans will always be necessary within the AI framework, providing irreplaceable experience and knowledge to combat cybercrime. As we head into this year’s show, we expect many of the attending journalists will be looking to speak with security experts about the new ways in which people and technology must work together in order to stay ahead of cyber-adversaries.
We’ll be discussing this and other security challenges at our 10th annual Security Never Sleeps event on Wednesday, February 26th at RSA Conference. To learn more and register visit: https://10fold.com/events/security-never-sleeps-2020/